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lady teaching mothers

Women At Risk

ladies in training

What We Do

Women around the world endure abandonment, exploitation, and abuse. Samaritan’s Purse works to reach these vulnerable women with the Gospel. We meet their physical, emotional, and spiritual needs through programmes like abuse prevention, safe migration and trafficking awareness, maternal health, vocational training, and discipleship.

Help Protect Vulnerable Women

Through such projects as maternal child health, vocational training, and Bible-based literacy classes, Samaritan’s Purse is helping vulnerable women and telling them about the eternal hope and dignity found in Jesus Christ. You can help protect a victim of gender-based violence, provide basic education, or meet other needs to ease a woman's daily struggle for survival.

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See The Impact

ladies in training

“Strength and dignity are her clothing,
And she smiles at the future.”

Proverbs 31:25, NASB

How We Help

maternal and child health

Maternal and Child Health

Obstetric supplies, medicine, vitamins, and specialised training are among the ways we improve the well-being of pregnant women and mothers of newborns in remote villages and impoverished communities. This fills a critical gap in healthcare, provides peace of mind for young mothers, and helps save the lives of women and babies.

Gender-Based Violence

Samaritan’s Purse trains pastors and ministry leaders on how to counsel and rehabilitate victims of gender-based abuse. We teach men and women how to live together in a God-honouring way to prevent further cases, and provide biblical materials and other support for educational programmes conducted by church partners.

gbv lady
woman and child


We provide help to women in desperate situations, including victims of exploitation and sex trafficking. We work with Christian partners to protect vulnerable women and restore victims of exploitation.

Vocational Training

With little education and no job skills, many women – particularly single mothers – must beg or scavenge to provide for themselves and their families. Samaritan's Purse provides training and equipment for sewing, food service, and other productive livelihoods.

woman sewing

Give to Women At Risk

There’s so much more to be done! With your help we will continue to honour vulnerable women and children so they can be safe, protected, restored and free.


Stories From The Field