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More than 10,000 shoebox gifts packed in the UK in 2024 are now bringing joy to children in Malawi!



Southern Africa, east of Zambia, west and north of Mozambique


21,763,309, with 37.7% under the age of 15 (source – CIA The World Factbook)


A flag with a red sun and green stripes

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We thank God for the thousands of children who have received shoeboxes here since Operation Christmas Child began outreach events. While we are not able to provide pictures or information on the specific child who received your individual shoebox, we hope you will be encouraged and inspired by the photos and stories below.

Children Receiving Shoeboxes in Malawi

Rosalyn’s Story

We would go outside after it rained and mould the clay soil into figures,” explained Rosalyn. She received her first ever toys in a shoebox at age 6, along with a child-friendly Gospel presentation. “The shoebox helped me realise that God is for children, too, not just adults.”

Angella’s Story

Angella, was 12 when she received her shoebox gift. The pencils, notebooks, and other school items were a particular blessing to her family, who couldn’t afford to buy them. But for Angella, nothing was more impactful than The Greatest Gift—a Gospel booklet local churches distribute along with the shoeboxes. “When I read the book, it proved to me that truly God is there,” she said. Watch the video to see the amazing impact this has had on her family!

What Happens After the Shoebox?

After receiving their shoebox gift, children can enrol in The Greatest Journey—12 fun and interactive Bible lessons—where they have the opportunity to discover who Jesus is, begin their journey of faith, and receive a New Testament in their own language. Watch the video below to see how The Greatest Journey is changing lives in Ghana.

Note: The Greatest Journey is offered free of charge, without obligation, and with the consent of the child’s parent or guardian.


Learn More About The Greatest Journey


Thank You for Packing Shoebox Gifts!