Samaritan's Purse flood relief bags ready to be delivered by inflatable boat to flood victims in Kherson

Samaritan's Purse is partnering with churches in Ukraine to help the victims of flooding in Kherson

Ukranian Church partners preparing aid to distribute to victims of flooding in Kherson

We continue bringing relief to Ukrainians whose lives have been torn apart by the conflict. Many people are now surviving the winter in war-damaged homes without basics like heat and electricity. Some, living closer to the fighting, have no steady supply of food, as they live without jobs and often transportation. Samaritan’s Purse is on the ground helping in Jesus’ Name by providing food, water, tarp, plywood, and stoves.
“Millions of Ukrainians are still suffering a year after the conflict began. Their needs are more severe each day as they struggle to have enough food and basic necessities,” said Samaritan’s Purse President Franklin Graham. “Samaritan’s Purse is committed to helping Ukraine. We established a country office there, and our team is working hard to bring relief in Jesus’ Name. Please join me in praying for peace in Ukraine and that the people we are serving will know that God loves them and has not forgotten them in this dark time.”
Since war erupted on 24 February 2022, Samaritan’s Purse have also met a variety of urgent medical needs. Early on, we operated an Emergency Field Hospital in Lviv to help the millions displaced by conflict. Later last year, we ran a similar field hospital in a recently liberated area of eastern Ukraine. We are also providing medical training and tons of supplies on an ongoing basis.
“We've received food many times from Samaritan's Purse,” Galyna* said (in blue jacket). “I'm incredibly thankful to the people who make this possible.”

Samaritan’s Purse medical teams have performed more than 250 surgeries in Ukraine.

Families huddle in their cellars during shelling. Our stoves provide needed warmth.

Our Response By The Numbers
Tonnes of Food Distributed
23 Million+
Gallons of Clean Water Produced
Patients Served by Our Teams
Wood Stoves
Airlift Missions Completed

People in eastern Ukraine are suffering terribly. Eighty-three-year-old Pavlo* and his wife Oksana have been married 55 years; they now live in a neighbour’s house because their own home was completely destroyed in the war. Yet, with no power or heat and a leaky roof, Pavlo said temperatures inside their new residence plummeted well below freezing this winter. So, the couple was overjoyed when a Samaritan’s Purse partner recently tarped the roof, made repairs, and gave them one of our wood-burning stoves and a solar light. Today it’s balmy near the fire. “We’re so grateful to Samaritan’s Purse,” Pavlo said. “They gave us hope. Now we feel like we’re alive.”
“We’re so grateful to Samaritan’s Purse. They gave us hope. Now we feel like we’re alive.” – Pavlo
Our brave church partners are delivering food, tarping roofs, and offering other urgently needed supplies deep within the conflict zone. Many of them also work with Samaritan’s Purse through Operation Christmas Child. Together we distributed close to 500,000 gift-filled shoeboxes in Ukraine last year, with about 400,000 more to be delivered to children in need during 2023.
We’ve also sent thousands of children’s backpacks to Ukraine aboard our DC-8 aircraft. Included inside are a soft bear that says “God Loves You” in their language on the front, plus crayons, a sketch pad, a knit hat, a ball, and a booklet in Ukrainian that tells them God loves them.
More than 7 million refugees from Ukraine have spread across Europe, the United States, Canada, and other countries worldwide. Aiding this migration, Samaritan’s Purse has airlifted more than 260 people from Poland to Canada with our DC-8 aircraft. Many millions are also internally displaced due to the conflict.
*Names changed for security reasons.
A crowd gathers for a Samaritan's Purse food distribution at a local church. With factories closed, people have come to rely on aid.

Shelling, missile strikes, and bomb blasts have devastated certain towns and villages in Ukraine.

Families huddle in their cellars during shelling. Our stoves provide needed warmth.

Samaritan's Purse partners are tarping roofs damaged in the conflict. We've distributed more than 9,500 tarps to date.

Samaritan's Purse has operated two different Emergency Field Hospitals since the war began.

The Samaritan's Purse medical team provided top-quality care and a compassionate touch at our Emergency Field Hospital in Lviv.