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OCC Gold

Central Asia

More than 48,000 shoebox gifts packed in the UK in 2024 are now bringing joy to children in Central Asia!


To the thousands who receive them, these gift-filled boxes are a powerful symbol of hope and love.

Due to ongoing political and religious sensitivities in some parts of Central Asia, it’s important we prioritise the safety of our partners operating in restricted areas. Therefore, we are unfortunately unable to disclose details about the specific country your shoebox was sent to. Wherever it’s landed, please know that the precious child who receives your gift will be truly blessed.

Below, we’ve shared some of our favourite videos, photos, and stories from the wider Asia region. We pray it encourages your heart to see the difference that shoeboxes like yours make.

“My heart was so happy, I began looking at my friend, and everyone was excited and happy. Wow! This was the most excited and happy I’ve felt in my life. I felt so warm. I felt care. I felt love from the teacher, and she invited me to come back for The Greatest Journey class for the next day.

I’m knowing now that Jesus is in my heart. He gives me hope. He gives me joy. My heart is full. I always come back for The Greatest Journey class because I want to know about Him, and I want Him to guide me by His will.”

—Makara, shoebox recipient


“The parents, the town hall staff, the mayors, and so forth were so surprised and kept repeating to us ‘it is the very first time something like that is happening in our villages’ ”.

—Operation Christmas Child local partner


Reaching the Hard-to-Reach Areas

Young boy on a donkey holding shoebox

Shoebox Joys for Shepherd Boys!

A local ministry partner had the opportunity to share the Gospel and deliver gift-filled shoeboxes to shepherd boys herding their family’s flock!
“The boys got excited because no one ever gave them gifts,” Yusif said. “In this region, even young boys have to work hard to survive.” He explained that parents expect much of their children, entrusting the care of large flocks to them, despite the threat of wild animals and people with evil intent. “The Lord sent us into their reality to say that He loves them,” Yusif said.  Read more


What Happens After the Shoebox?

After receiving their shoebox gift, children can enrol in The Greatest Journey—12 fun and interactive Bible lessons—where they have the opportunity to discover who Jesus is, begin their journey of faith, and receive a New Testament in their own language. Watch the video below to see how The Greatest Journey changing lives in Mongolia.

Note: The Greatest Journey is offered free of charge, without obligation, and with the consent of the child’s parent or guardian. 


Learn More About The Greatest Journey!


Thank You for Packing Shoebox Gifts!