Leave a Legacy
A Legacy With Eternal Impact
A Christ-centred financial plan helps you wisely steward what the Lord has entrusted to you. Biblical generosity produces “the fruit that increases to your credit” (Philippians 4:17, ESV), so you can effectively accomplish what God leads you to do on earth while laying up treasures in heaven. This is the process of building a Godly legacy.
A legacy plan starts with "today" and extends beyond your lifetime as your resources are used to help hurting people and share the Gospel with those who have never heard. Person by person, your legacy plan makes an eternal difference.
You are welcome to take advantage of Samaritan’s Purse’s partnership with the Free Wills Network. This is a free service for Samaritan’s Purse donors, and it will give you access to a solicitor who can advise you. For more information, please ring us on 020 8559 1180 or email us at info@samaritans-purse.org.uk
Frequently Asked Questions
Why do I need a will?
Having a valid Will in place is important for you – otherwise your money, property and possessions might not be allocated as you would choose. If you die without a valid Will, your estate will be distributed according to the laws of intestacy; meaning that only your nearest family would benefit – which could mean that other family members, friends or favourite causes you might want to benefit receive nothing. It could also lead to an unwanted and unavoidable tax bill upon your death.
Can I make a will myself or do I need to use a professional?
It is possible to make a Will yourself but using a solicitor or Will-writer is much easier and makes sure everything is legal so that your instructions will be carried out as you wish. They will also be able to advise you on any tax implications. You are welcome to take advantage of Samaritan’s Purse’s partnership with the Free Wills Network. This is a free service for Samaritan’s Purse donors, and it will give you access to a solicitor who can advise you. For more information, please ring us on 020 8559 1180 or email us at info@samaritans-purse.org.uk.
I've already made my will. Can I change it?
Yes, either by writing a new one, or amending it using a document called a codicil. A codicil doesn’t replace your Will, so you should always keep both documents together. To assist you, a codicil form is provided in this pack for you to complete.
Can a gift to Samaritan's Purse help me pay less tax?
Inheritance Tax is payable on estates valued at over £325,000. The only people who can benefit without your estate being liable to Inheritance Tax are legal spouses and charities. Any donation you leave to Samaritan’s Purse in your Will is tax-free and will reduce the value of your estate for Inheritance Tax purposes.
Can I choose what my gift is spent on?
The legacies we receive are usually unrestricted gifts, allowing us to use the funds wherever the need is greatest at that particular time. However, if you wish to make a gift for an area of our work that is close to your heart, please talk to us. We would want to do our utmost to honour your wishes.
What's the best way to remember Samaritan's Purse in my will?
The best way to benefit a charity is often with a “residuary legacy”. Giving in this way means your gift won’t decrease in value due to inflation and can therefore help your legacy go further and benefit more people. Your solicitor or Will-writer will be able to advise on what’s best for your circumstances.
Should I let Samaritan's Purse know my decision?
That’s entirely up to you. We understand that the content of your Will is a very private matter. However, if you would let us know whatever your decision we’d be very grateful. It will allow us to communicate with you in the best way and to say a big thank you for choosing to remember us.
Have you decided to include Samaritan’s Purse in your Will?
Please tell us more about yourself using the form below - we'd love to say thank you!