Sparking Revival in Paraguay
Joyous cries permeated the quiet streets of the San Lorenzo neighbourhood in the outskirts of Asuncion, Paraguay, as dozens of children peeled open their Operation Christmas Child shoebox gifts. Jaws dropped at the sight of soccer balls, stuffed animals, crayons, and more. The initial timidness vanished as the group of 50 children picked out their shoebox items one-by-one in a frenzy.
Among the cries of joy, Pastor Roger crouched down, shaking as tears rolled from his eyes. His wife, Shirley, and other members of the church ministry team embraced him as they, too, began to cry.
“This is God’s approval,” Pastor Roger said as he looked at the children play with their new toys, with tears still welling in his eyes. “To reach this point is amazing.”
Local Churches Revived
Roger and his wife of 19 years arrived at Church of God (Iglesia de Dios) only four months ago to a down-trodden congregation on the verge of shutting its doors. Though without support and resources, the couple answered the call of God to adopt the church. Early into his ministry, Pastor Roger fought to unify and create a congregation with a single vision to preach the Gospel with vigour.
“What should I choose: what I like, or what is good for the Kingdom of God?” the pastor said. “Sometimes those two don’t line up in the moment. Now, I see that they do.”
As with many churches in Paraguay, the rise of secularism has meant less people in church pews on Sunday mornings. Likewise, children grow more vulnerable as single motherhood rates rise and drug trafficking increases. Roger and Shirley, however, see the red and green shoebox gifts as a unique avenue to reach the community with the Gospel.
“This is a victory for God because He is showing everyone the power of the Holy Spirit,” Pastor Roger exclaimed. “By faith, we came to this church, and I believe that—by faith—God’s name will rise in this neighbourhood.”
Through local churches and ministry partners like Roger, Samaritan’s Purse has distributed over 183,000 gift-filled Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes to children across Paraguay in 2024 alone, sharing the greatest gift—the Gospel of Jesus Christ—in the centre of it all. This number adds to the millions distributed to children across the South American nation since Samaritan’s Purse starting working there over two decades ago.
Good News and Great Joy
Decades since he stood on a building ready to take his life, Pastor Luis dances along with children at his church—rejoicing with them as they hear the Gospel and receive a special shoebox gift. Since leaving behind his life of drugs, alcohol, and crime, God has used Luis to reach millions of children with the Gospel as a pastor and national coordinator for Operation Christmas Child in Paraguay.
“It makes me want to cry when I see children about to open the gift box and I see the same pain that I had,” Pastor Luis said, who grew up in a divided and broken home like many Paraguayan children.
Much like Roger’s church, children packed the pews of Prince of Peace Baptist Church (Iglesia Bautista Principe de Paz) full of eager anticipation. After being presented with the Gospel, each child received a shoebox and mayhem ensued. Shouts of joy and wide smiles brightened the room.
Pastor Luis’ smile was among the largest.
Luis' church turned into a vibrant party for the event, with every child worshipping Jesus at the top of their lungs.

Dolata's jaw dropped when she saw a unicorn stuffed animal in her shoebox gift. She adores unicorns, and even has a matching unicorn backpack.

Bianca loves dogs above anything else. She was overjoyed to see a special stuffed animal dog in her shoebox gift.

These girls are astonished after seeing what's inside their shoebox gift for the first time.

Rafael shows off his new soccer ball and Spanish Bible.

Sown in Fertile Soil
“The book is my favourite gift because Jesus is in it,” Alex said, pointing to the photos inside The Greatest Gift, a booklet given to each child that explains the Gospel message.
“Jesus was dead but now He lives,” the 9-year-old boy continued. “He doesn’t live like my dad or my pastor—I can’t touch Him. But He lives inside my heart.”
Alex accepted Jesus Christ as his personal Lord and Saviour when local church volunteers presented the Gospel and now, he vows to attend The Greatest Journey to learn more about who Jesus is and how he can grow in a personal relationship with Him. This 12-lesson discipleship course, led by a trained volunteer teacher, guides shoebox recipients through the Bible and encourages them to share Jesus, the reason for the joy in their heart. Alex will soon join the over 300,000 children who have graduated from The Greatest Journey in Paraguay since 2001.
“The best place to plant the Gospel is in the fertile heart of a child,” said Tessy, the prayer coordinator for Operation Christmas Child in Paraguay.
Pastor Luis added, “We need to plant the seed now, and by prayer, water it.”
Please pray for our teams as they share the Good News of Jesus Christ to children in Paraguay and that many boys and girls, like Alex, will come to know Christ.
Support Operation Christmas Child

Can sponsor the costs of sending one shoebox gift to a child in need.

Could help with processing and shipping two shoebox gifts to children in need.

Through Operation Christmas Child, Samaritan’s Purse is sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ with millions of boys and girls in more than 100 countries each year. Many of these children have never before received a present or heard the true meaning of Christmas—until they open a gift-filled shoebox from a person like you.
"Bring salvation to the ends of the earth"
(Acts 13:47, ESV)