After God used a shoebox gift and The Greatest Journey to transform their family, a mother and son now teach the same 12 lessons to other children.

Pointing Children to Jesus in Slovakia
Katarina Horvathova used to live a nomadic life. But while she and her son, Daniel, lived in a shelter for a number of years, Daniel had the privilege of receiving a gift-filled Operation Christmas Child shoebox gift. His 8-year-old heart delighted in the toy airplane he found inside because he wanted to become a pilot when he grew up.
These girls are learning how to know Christ and share Him with others thanks to Katarina and Daniel.

Daniel enjoyed receiving a toy airplane in his shoebox gift as an 8-year-old because he had dreams of becoming a pilot.

Katarina and Daniel prepare to teach The Greatest Journey lessons.

But his life took flight in other ways when he enrolled in The Greatest Journey discipleship course. Through 12 Bible lessons, both he and his mother put their faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Today, the duo lives in their own apartment, but they return to the shelter regularly to teach others the same discipleship course they experienced.
Katarina said, “The Greatest Journey is the journey of leading children to God.”
View their full story in the video at the top of this page.
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Can sponsor the costs of distributing of one shoebox

Can sponsor the costs of distributing of two shoeboxes

Can sponsor the costs of distributing of ten shoeboxes