Airlifted Supplies Arrive in Southern Brazil | Samaritans Purse Skip to main content
Teams load trucks destined for flood-devastated communities.

Airlifted Supplies Arrive in Southern Brazil

Both our 757 cargo plane and our DC-8 aircraft have landed in Southern Brazil where supplies are being unloaded and prepared for transport to flood-affected areas.

Our DC-8 aircraft and 757 transporting relief arrived Rio Grande do Sul in southern Brazil. The flights carried shelter tarp and other relief supplies. Also on board were relief staff deploying to the area. 

Heavy rainfall has triggered landslides and flash floods in the region, killing at least 143 people, displacing more than 538,000, and cutting off electricity to more than 1.4 million Brazilians.

Onboard one of the flights were personal water filtration systems, hygiene kits, blankets, solar lights, and other relief items. We’re also supplying ten community water filtration systems, each capable of supplying clean drinking water for up to 10,000 people per day.

Our 757 landed in southern Brazil with an initial airlift of relief supplies.

Our 757 landed in southern Brazil with an initial airlift of relief supplies.

“Please continue praying for all those whose lives have been devastated by this flooding as even more heavy rains are on the way,” 

- Samaritan’s Purse President Franklin Graham.

On May 8, we deployed an initial wave of DART staff to Porto Alegre, the state’s capital city, in response to critical needs in the flood-devastated area. We are working with local authorities and a network of area churches to develop a disaster response to devastated communities and help meet the urgent needs of displaced families throughout this southern part of the country.

Rains from powerful storms began to pummel the region April 27, inundating entire towns, destroying critical infrastructure, and knocking out power.

Please pray for these suffering Brazilian families and for our teams as we deliver relief and the hope of Jesus Christ to hurting communities.

Ground and flight crews joined in prayer with relief teams.

Ground and flight crews joined in prayer with relief teams.

Support International Crisis Response

family with hygiene kit

Can provide all the essentials for a hygiene kit, restoring dignity to victims of crisis and showing them that the Lord has not forgotten them. 

refugee children

Will help meet the needs of vulnerable children after crisis, such as refugees or street children, reassuring them that God loves them. 

girl getting on plane

Equips us to help displaced families settle in new countries while we also share the promise that God will be with them.